Banner Re-Design RFQ

May 16, 2022

The Parkdale Village BIA (PVBIA) would like to invite local or surrounding artists, illustrators, art collectives, and graphic designers, to apply and help illustrate our vision by participating in the Banner Re-Design Request for Quote.

As an area in transition and due to the pandemic, the BIA has begun the process of revising the current Workplan, which includes updating certain branding initiatives and infrastructure such as Banners.

As we look towards uplifting our area, we are seeking a redesign of our current 34 double-sided banners to better reflect our vibrant and colourful community. We look to you.

A brief snapshot of details;

  • Four (4) Banner designs in JPEG, AI, PDF and PNG formats plus any additional changes required for the banner printer.
  • The redesign will take into account notes from a series of brainstorming sessions discussing local icons, landmarks, community imagery, demographics, peoples, and color pallets.
  • The redesign will take into account the location of the Banners and the accent branding located near the banners such as the Parkdale street signs, Member's window decals & Bell box murals.
  • The redesign will take into account how the Banners are viewed by pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles.    
  • Indicate any experience working on banners or outdoor/street-facing signage.
  • Indicate any local experiences and/or work within Parkdale Village.
  • Deadline: 5:00 pm, Friday May 27th, 2022.

We thank everyone for applying, please direct any questions to