When I first came across the name "Parkdale Street Writers" I just about flipped. Writing, Parkdale and "tha street" are essentially my three favorite things. What the heck is this triumvirate of awesomness, I asked myself? Admittedly, I wasn't particularly active in my research, but I struggled to understand the what when where why and how of this super cool sounding group. I did track down the "who" piece of the puzzle though: I have been aware of the name Emily Pohl Weary for while a through the Toronto literary scene and my stint at Broken Pencil Magazine.
Today, I'm happy to share with you an article that makes the history of the Parkdale Street Writers and the future of The Academy of the Impossible (somewhat) clearer.
One thing is crystal clear though - Emily Pohl Weary is a superstar.
Ellie Anglin.