June Newsletter: Buy Toronto Time, KQQR, CafeTO, Resources

June 04, 2021

KQQR Construction

OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Although the Infrastructure Improvements at the Intersection of King St W, Queen St W, The Queensway, and Roncesvalles Ave (KQQR Construction) are well underway, the sidewalks are accessible and open to pedestrians. We remind visitors to dismount from bikes when travelling the block and encourage everyone to use street or Green P parking when shopping. 
To stay in the loop, please visit the dedicated page on our website here, or attend the weekly virtual calls the City hosts where members of the public can join, (virtually), to ask questions about the ongoing KQQR construction work. City staff and a representative from the local City Councillor’s office will be at the meeting to either provide answers on the spot or report back shortly after.

The KQQR Construction area will be supported in the coming weeks with Posters, 3,000+ Canada Post flyers, Transit Shelter, Radio and more. Posters will be delivered to storefronts and installed around the community in the coming weeks. 


The Toronto Association of BIA's has launched an awareness Media campaign around the City which focuses on a few communities such as Parkdale and reminds residents and visitors that on average local businesses have racked up $170,000 in debt. Supporting our neighbors is more urgent than ever. As more businesses close down weekly, we need to buy time for the remaining who are just barely hanging on. Please support local! The campaign is supported by billboards, transit shelters, subway posters, digital advertising, radio, and TV, and will feature some Parkdale businesses. Follow along here.


Queen St West will see approx.16 cafe's installed along sidewalks or curb lanes this summer. This CafeTO initiative is to assist Restaurants and Bars and help animate our streets. Please enjoy these cafes safely and eat locally! 


As we work towards increasing the capacity of our office, please note that some services will continue to be impacted by the current Pandemic. Thus floral services, graffiti removal, street cleaning, and overall maintenance requests may be delayed at times. We thank all the individuals, organizations, and City department staff working tirelessly as a team. 
Floral planters are being installed within the next week. The flowers will be regularly watered and cleaned of debris, however, we encourage all business owners to assist by reporting any damage or theft of plants, and giving your storefront a regular sweep. Help us keep Parkdale Village clean and colorful!


  1. Support for Indigenous Businesses
  2. Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) program
  3. Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) program
  4. Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)
  5. Canada Healthy Communities Initiative (CHCI)
  6. Business Credit Availability Program 
  7. Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) 
  8. COVID-19 Business Support Grants – Energy and Property Tax Rebates
  9. COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program (CEAP-SB)
  10. Ontario Tourism and Hospitality Small Business Support Grant
  11. Ontario Community Environment Fund - Deadline June 23rd

Black Entrepreneurship Loan Program

The Government of Canada has announced that the Black Entrepreneurship Loan Fund is now accepting loan applications from Black business owners and entrepreneurs through the Federation of African Canadian Economics (FACE). It will provide loans up to $250,000 to Black business owners and entrepreneurs. Loans can be used for capital investments, working capital, short-term receivable financing. Visit FACE to apply.

City of Toronto Programs and Resources

Business licensing and permit application portal
BusinessTO Support Centre: Provides one-on-one virtual support to help businesses
CurbTO: Provides temporary curbside parking pick-up zones for main street businesses
Digital Main Street: Provides support for businesses interested in adopting technologies 
COVID-19: Guidelines for Businesses & Community OrganizationsMandatory mask-wearing guidelines
Printable posters 
Preventing COVID-19 in the Workplace: Requirements of employers to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace
ShopHERE powered by Google: Get help to set up and launch an online store quickly, easily and at no cost 
Free Webinars


As businesses prepare to reopen there will be a need to re-engage with your customers and clients. New strategies will vary based on your location, industry, and as the environment changes overtime. Developing a thorough reopening plan provides businesses with an opportunity to be transformational. 


Every business can put a plan in place to address racism and help eradicate it. Below are some resources to help. 


Support for one-on-one help with applications for any of these programs.