Notice to Members: Filming At Queen & Dufferin Today

October 24, 2012
This is to notify our members that there will be a short film being produced today at the amphitheatre at the north west corner of Queen Street West and Dufferin Street.  Filming should take approximately 5 hours.  Two production vehicles will be parked in NO STOPPING or NO STANDING AREAS under PDO supervision. All business / delivery / driveway/ pedestrian / handicapped / TTC / traffic /emergency vehicle accesses to be maintained.If problems occur at this filming location between the hours of 0700 and 1500 (Mon-Fri) call P.C. Michael Mead, Film Liaison Officer, at 416-808-5082. At all other times call Eric Jensen, Manager TFTO 416-697-0257 or 416-808-2222 (TIPS switchboard).