To the Residents of the Queen St and Brock St area,
Please accept this letter as an introduction to ‘Rookie Blue’, a television series in its fourth year of production for Global/ ABC.
We would like to film scenes in the area of Queen St West and Brock St as follows:
- Wed Oct 17, from approximately 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM:
Exterior and interior scenes: Cadillac Lounge, 1296 Queen St W and 1302 Queen St West.
During these scenes we may require traffic stoppages on Queen St, lasting no longer than three minutes per occasion, with the assistance of the Toronto Police Service.
- Thur Oct 18, Fri Oct 19, from approximately 7:00 AM to midnight:
Exterior and interior scenes: Neubacher /Shor Contemporary, 5 Brock St off the alley. Again, we may require traffic stoppages during filming in the alley between Brock St and Noble St with help from the Toronto Police Service.
To facilitate this we would like to clear the following areas for production vehicles and clear for picture:
- Queen St, north side, from Noble St to Brock St, clearing from 6:00 PM Tue Oct 16.
- Queen St, south side, from Gwynne Ave to Elm Grove Ave, clearing from 9:00 AM Oct 17
*Please note: Queen St parking will be released by 11:00 PM Wed Oct 17
- Noble St, south and west side, from Brock St to Queen St, monitoring from Mon Oct 15 at 8:00AM and clearing from Tue Oct 16.
*Please note: We will only clear the required spots necessary for our production vehicles. All other space will be left free to the neighbourhood.
- Strickland Ave, west side, from Noble St to five parking spots north of Noble St, monitoring from Mon Oct 15 at 8:00 AM and clearing from Tue Oct 16.
- Private lots in the area.
All vehicles will leave the area prior to 10:00 AM Sat Oct 20
*Permit parkers unable to find parking are asked to park in area lots. Please submit valid receipts to a member of the location dept. for reimbursement.
We realize that we are guests in your neighbourhood and hope to complete our work with as little inconvenience as possible. Please contact us at our production office with any questions.
Andrew O’Sullivan John Mendes
Location Manager Asst Location Manager
c.c. Toronto Film and Television Office
5101 Orbitor Drive, Mississauga ON L4W 5R8 Tel: 905-206-1477 // Fax: 905-206-1434