Parkdale, Who Knew? Signs of Parkdale

May 14, 2012

One of the enchanting things about Parkdale is what can be discovered right before your eyes if you give yourself the chance to look.

So often I walk down Queen West with my head down and headphones on, blocking out the sights and sounds around me.  When I have a camera with me it forces me to slow down and look at Parkdale in a different light: as a neighbourhood overflowing with art, charms, history, surprises - and above all - life.

Today I want to appreciate one of the charms of Parkdale - our signs.  From the handmade to the corporate, from the old to the new, from the hidden to the in-your face, Parkdale is filled with signs: signs of our history, signs of our change - and they are all so charming.

Camille Unisex Beauty Lounge, at Queen West and Dowling.

Shangrila, Canadian Caribbean, Coca-Cola.

Cattlemen's Meat Market, family-owned in Parkdale since 1972.

Fullworth, an old fashioned community grocery store at Queen and Westlodge, where the woman at the cash calls you "dear".

Get a load of this wonderful old sign for "Acme Deluxe Ice Cream Bricks"!  Wish they still sold 'em.

Sigh! Gorgeous entrance to the Lake View Apartments.

Lee's Variety!  Going all red and white is one way to stand out!

Monty's Credit Jewellers.  One of the oldest businesses in Parkdale!  Wonder if the clock still works.

"Sunset Tower" on Jameson and Queen.  The name and lettering is so film noir.

Gold, glass and wood on Jameson by Queen.

Simple guide to good branding: tell it like it is and put it up in lights!

Parkdale artist Rcade is behind much of the beautiful newer signage in Parkdale, including Chantecler (above),

Community 54,

and The Mascot.

I hope you enjoyed this installment of Parkdale, Who Knew?  Please tell us what your favourite sign in Parkdale is!