Our September Newsletter is out and covers items such as:
- Annual General Meeting: Join us for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) Thursday October 8th, 2015 @ 6:30pm at the St John’s Polish National Catholic Cathedral, 186 Cowan Ave (basement hall).
- Board Vacancy: The Parkdale Village BIA wants you to join the Board of Directors! The BIA is governed by a volunteer Board of Management made up of eleven members serving a four-year term concurrent with the term of Council. The Board works on behalf of its BIA members (the shop owners & property owners), along with an Executive Director & Assistant Coordinator and meets regularly to ensure Marketing and Streetscape Strategies are implemented.
- Cycling Survey & Call for Volunteers: Cycle Toronto Ward 14, as well as other policy and research minded groups around the city are looking for volunteers to help with a transportation study on Queen Street between Dufferin and Roncesvalles. In the coming weeks you may be approached at your business or along Queen Street West and asked to complete a short survey about how Cycling impacts you in Parkdale. In order for the project to work, Cycle Toronto Ward 14 need Volunteers for Sept 16 or Sept 17 and Sept 22 and Oct 3.To volunteer please contact us at surveyparkdale@gmail.com
- Good Food Market Vendors: The Good Food Market, taking place every Wednesday from 3-7pm in Masaryk Park on Cowan Ave, still has some dates available for you to display your goods within a 10x10 tent, at no cost to you - it's Free! This is a great way for you to introduce your Business to new customers and help build brand awareness. Sell your goods, hand out brochures/coupons and promote your product/service! If you are interested in taking part, call us today.
- Vintage Crawl: Explore over 50 Vintage shops in Toronto as they open their doors late, from 5pm till 11pm and enjoy shopping, music, drinks, snacks and more - check out the over 8 locations participating in Parkdale - click here for more info!
- Parkdale Community Economic Planning & Development (PCED) Business Owner Survey: The Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre, a community organization in Parkdale is undertaking a community planning and research project for the Parkdale neighbourhood. This project is led by PARC in partnership with many local groups including Parkdale BIA and (one more). As a part of this project, they are conducting a short survey with local business owners, asking who you are, what unique strengths you have for community, and what kind of challenges in Parkdale you face as a business owner. Over the coming weeks you or your staff may be asked to participate in a short 5-10 minute survey. Your ideas as a key member of the Parkdale community with local knowledge and expertise are very important. For more details, please contact kkamizaki@parc.on.ca