Spring into Parkdale Festival has sprung!

May 07, 2014
Last weekend Spring made a brief appearance in Parkdale Village for the 2nd Annual Spring into Parkdale Sidewalk Sale and Festival on April 26, 2014. We would like to thank all the businesses and community partners who participated and the many residents and visitors that strolled our neighbourhood!

With so many participants we are well underway in growing this event and hopefully becoming a must visit in the years to come - thank you volunteers and BIA members! Please see below for a snapshot of the weekend, more photos can be viewed on Facebook. Some photo credits: Hitoshi Murakami

itoshi M

Spring 22 Spring 42 Spring 17 Spring 34

Spring 15Spring Festival - PARC- 2014 Spring Festival - tibet Womens Association - Bhume Lhentsog 3 - 2014

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