Our September Newsletter is out and features the following:
- Save the Date: Join us for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) for BIA Members Thursday October 13th, 2016 @ 6:30pm, location to be determine. The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to attend. Enjoy snacks, meet community leaders & learn more about what the BIA does - this is a great chance to contribute!
- Do you want to join our Board!?: The Parkdale Village BIA wants you to join the Board of Directors! The BIA is governed by a volunteer Board of Management made up of eleven members serving a four-year term concurrent with the term of Council. The Board works on behalf of its BIA members (the shop owners & property owners), along with an Executive Director & Assistant Coordinator and meets regularly to ensure Marketing and Streetscape Strategies are implemented. Monthly meetings generally take place the first Monday of every month from 6:30-8:30pm at the PVBIA office. If you are interested in applying please contact us today for more details.
- Breakfast with the Major: TABIA is pleased to invite you to Breakfast with the Major on Tue Sept 27th 2016 at the Radisson Admiral Hotel on Toronto’s Waterfront. The agenda for the meeting: 7:30 Registration will open (tea, breakfast and networking) 8:00 Mayor Tory will address gathering 8:30 Questions Attendance is free, but seating is limited so please register early Please RSVP To: pmccartie@toronto-bia.com or 416-263-3229 by Friday, September 23rd at noon
- Community Events: Want to sponsor, get involved or learn more about community events, check these out:
- Parkdale Good Food Market, Wed Aug 31 from 3-7pm at Masaryk Park on Cowan Ave
- Creating Together Family Resource Centre Community Event, Sat Sept 11th save the date
- Sweets n Treats Bake Sale at Bonar-Parkdale Presbyterian Church (250 Dunn Ave) Sunday, Sun Sept 11th from 12:30-3pm! For info or to donate click here.
- Parkdale Film & Video Showcase at Gallery 1313 on Fri Sept 16th, check site for info & to sponsor.
- The Biggest Table; a Harvest Celebration Sat Sept 24th at 6pm, Dunn Parkette, for info click
- Parkdale in the News: Our office regularly works with Media and Tourism departments to help feature Parkdale businesses & surrounding community, as well as helps promote any coverage. If you have a story you would like to share please send it our way. Some recent coverage about our wonderful community include:
- Brussels Airlines featuring Parkdale in their In Flight Magazine
- Air Canada featuring a Parkdale business in their In Flight Magazine
- Toronto Life Magazine, Snapd Bloor West Newspaper & DobbernationLoves blog featuring local restaurants
- A video featuring a local business
- Need more Brochures?: In addition to recently being distributed (over 500) at the CNE to visitors, the Parkdale Directory Brochures are also displayed at local Bed & Breakfasts for tourists and tourism locations in downtown Toronto such as hotels & Union station etc. The brochures are also displayed in over 100 Parkdale shops - if you need more or are interested in making them available at your shop or office, please contact us.
- Welcome New Members: Please join us in welcoming these new businesses to Parkdale Village:
- Top Coat Nail Salon 1450 Queen Street west
- Lil Demon Guitar Shop 1594 Queen Street West