Call for Performers to Audition for Fireside Culture Week

Fireside Culture Week IV presents FIRESIDE: "The Auditions" on Wednesday, February 1st from 1-8 pm at The Cadillac Lounge (1296 Queen West). We invite performers of all kinds to audition to be in Fireside IV in Parkdale from March 12th to the 17th. We are seeking musicians, dancers, actors, comedians, poets, performance artists, magicians, clowns, and more! We want to see your talent, and please pass this along to your talented friends.
Please contact Ellie at to schedule an audition.
We are specifically seeking headliners for our main stage, LGBT performers and artists for our queer party, and stand-ups and sketch troupes for our comedy night; but we have a whole week and a long street to fill full of talent, so come one and come all to audition for a spot!
What: Fireside: The Auditions
When: February 8th, 2012, 1pm – 8pm
Where: The Cadillac Lounge, 1296 Queen West
Please contact or call 416.536.6918 for more information about Fireside.