An Invitation from Councillor Perks
Councillor Gord Perks would like to invite you to a Community Consultation Meeting regarding the Queen Street West Restaurant Study.
Toronto City Planning has been conducting a study to review the impact of restaurants (and similar uses) for the lands on and flanking Queen Street West, between Dufferin Street and Roncesvalles Avenue.
Over the past few years, this section of Queen Street West has seen an increase in restaurant/bar type uses replacing a broad range of commercial uses. Community concerns of noise, vandalism, garbage and congestion problems have also increased.
In August 2010, in response to these concerns, Councillor Perks moved a motion that City Planning be directed to undertake a study of this section of Queen Street to determine if any additional zoning is required to mitigate negative impacts associated with restaurants and bars on the surrounding area. That study is well underway.
Further, at the October 30/31, 2012 Toronto Council Meeting, on the advice of both City Planning and City Legal staff, Councillor Perks introduced an Interim Control By-law at City Council, to prohibit new restaurants and second floor expansions on Queen St West between Roncesvalles Avenue and Dufferin Street.
Prohibiting the establishment of new restaurants and second floor expansions within this study area for a one year period allows City Planning the opportunity to study which of the existing provisions ought to be changed in order to help alleviate the concerns related to land use issues.
The City is holding another Community Consultation meeting where you can learn more about this study and theInterim Control By-law. The meeting will include information on thepurpose and findings of research undertaken by planning staff, and provide an opportunity to ask questions and share your comments.
The meeting will be held Monday, November 26th, 2011 from 7:00 - 9:00 PM at theMay Robinson Auditorium (20 West Lodge Avenue). Please see attachment for more information, including further details about the study.