Upcoming Infrastructure Improvements at the Intersection of King Street West, Queen Street West, The Queensway and Roncesvalles Avenue (KQQR)
Start Date: September 8, 2020 End Date: August 2022
Timeline is subject to change.
The City of Toronto and Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) have coordinated various infrastructure upgrades at the King Street West, Queen Street West, The Queensway and Roncesvalles Avenue (KQQR) Intersection, The Queensway from Parkside Drive to Roncesvalles Avenue, Roncesvalles Avenue from Queen Street West to Dundas Street West and rehabilitation of the Parkside Drive bridge at The Queensway.
The infrastructure improvements will start in September 2020 with underside bridge rehabilitation of the Parkside Drive Bridge at The Queensway.
The remaining work starting in 2021 includes:
- Topside bridge rehabilitation of the Parkside Drive bridge at The Queensway
- Replacing watermain and relining combined and storm sewers
- Road reconstruction and sidewalk replacement
- Overhead wire replacement and reconstruction of the TTC track allowance and platforms
- Relocating streetcar stops
- Reconfiguring the KQQR intersection including: removal of the eastbound right-turn channel, removal of the centre TTC platform on The Queensway, a dedicated streetcar lane, left-turn lane, through lane and right-turn lane on the eastbound approach, new raised TTC platform/bicycle facility on Queen Street West and realignment of the northbound approach on King Street West
- Completing the Roncesvalles Avenue design from Harvard Avenue to the KQQR intersection, including streetscape improvements and two raised TTC platform/bicycle facilities at the northbound and southbound transit stops
- Modifying the TTC platforms on Roncesvalles Avenue from Dundas Street West to Harvard Avenue so accessible streetcar ramps can operate
- Adding dedicated eastbound left-turn lanes on The Queensway at the Sunnyside Avenue and Glendale Avenue intersections
- Extension of the dedicated eastbound bicycle lane on The Queensway to Glendale Avenue
- New sidewalk on south side of The Queensway at Glendale Avenue intersection for north-south pedestrian crossing on both sides of the intersection
- Installing a new traffic control signal at the Sunnyside Avenue and The Queensway intersection
- New street lighting
This work is required to bring the TTC and City's infrastructure to a state of good repair and improve intersection function for all road users and is part of the 2020 Council-approved Capital Budgets and Works Program.
Please note that following the underside bridge rehabilitation work on Parkside Drive, the remaining construction will be delivered in stages throughout 2021 and 2022. Please see map on Page 4 for more details. Construction Updates will also be distributed throughout the contract duration.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT COVID-19 AND CONSTRUCTION WORK IN TORONTO As restrictions on construction have been lifted by the Province of Ontario, City-led infrastructure will continue to proceed. During construction, the contractor is responsible for the Health & Safety on site under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act and is expected to implement COVID-19 mitigation practices. For more information on the City's response to COVID-19 please visit toronto.ca/covid-19.
- Work crews will mark the location of underground utilities, such as gas, water and cable so that the construction does not interfere with these utilities.
- You may experience dust, noise and other inconveniences. The City will make efforts to reduce the impacts. We appreciate your patience.
- Property owners should remove items located within City property limits (boulevard), such as patios, landscaping and / or decorative objects. If you have a patio, or sprinkler system within the boulevard, follow up with the Public Consultation Unit listed on Page 4.
- The City will not be responsible for damage to any privately owned items on City property. Work Hours for Parkside Drive Bridge at The Queensway starting in 2020: Work will take place from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday and from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays, including some extended hours or additional weekend work as approved by the City. Work Hours for Remaining Work starting in 2021: Work hours will be 24 hours / 7 days a week for the remaining work in 2021. Further details will be provided on the project website listed on Page 4 and in future Construction Update notices.
- Accessible Accommodation: Residents who require accommodation (level entry, longer notice, etc.) must contact the Public Consultation Unit listed on Page 4 to arrange for access during the construction period.
- Pre-Construction Inspection: A third-party contractor will survey all properties within 30 metres of the construction area before each construction phase starts. Participation in the survey is voluntary; however, participating is important in determining if the construction caused damage. The inspection will look at the exterior and interior of all properties to verify existing conditions. Affected properties will receive a separate notice to set up an appointment. All inspection staff will wear photo I.D. and carry photo equipment for this work.
- Physical Distancing: There are times when contractors need to communicate with property owners about what is happening on-site. Contractor's staff will be identifiable by their high-visibility clothing. Where possible, a phone number for a contact person on-site will be provided on notices to answer questions about work near your property. At other times, the contractor may knock on your door, but will then step away the required distance to discuss the work that is taking place and what can be expected that day. Please practice physical distancing with workers so everyone can remain safe. If you have questions, call the contact provided on this notice.
- Road and Sidewalk Access: In order to complete the work in a safe manner, there will be road and sidewalk restrictions within the work zone. Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times. Driveway Access: The contractor will notify you of any temporary restrictions to your driveway access. If your property has two entrances, one entrance will be kept open at all times.
- Parking: Parking in the active work zone is not permitted as space is needed for construction equipment and materials. If your parked vehicle affects construction work, it will be relocated nearby with no charge to the owner. If your vehicle is moved, please contact parking control for its location at 416-808-2222. Affected properties will get additional parking information.
- Garbage and Recycling: Please follow your normal routine. If required, the contractor will move bins to an appropriate location and return them. Please ensure that you label your bins with your address.
TTC Service: During the underside bridge rehabilitation work on Parkside Drive at The Queensway starting in 2020:
501 Queen streetcar service will continue to operate west of Roncesvalles Avenue during the bridge work at Parkside Drive. Stairwell access at Parkside Drive to/from The Queensway streetcar stop will be closed until October 30, 2020. Streetcars on The Queensway will not be stopping at the Parkside Drive stop during this time. Intermittent delays for the 80 Queensway bus service can be expected during lane restrictions on Parkside Drive.
During the 2021 – 2022 work related to the KQQR intersection; 504/304 King, 501/301 Queen, 508 Lake Shore and 402 Parkdale Community Bus routing changes will be required. Diversion details will be provided in a Construction Notice prior to the start of the 2021 project. Routing information will also be issued by the TTC and posted at transit stops along the affected routes. Information will also be posted on TTC’s website: ttc.ca
WORK DETAILS Work Stages, Dates and Location Work Traffic Restrictions** *Subject to change ** More details on traffic restrictions and staging will be provided throughout construction
Advanced Work:
- September 2020 to February 2021
- Parkside Drive, North of Lake Shore Boulevard West
- Bridge rehabilitation to the underside (sub-structure)
- Minimum 1 travel lane in each direction on Parkside Drive under the bridge.
Stage 1:
- February 2021 to July 2021 KQQR Intersection
- The Queensway: Parkside Drive to KQQR Intersection
- Queen Street West: KQQR Intersection to Triller Avenue
- a) Watermain replacement and sewer relining
- b) TTC pole replacement, overhead wire removals and installation, track work, (Lighting, platforms, curbs etc.), retaining wall installation, road reconstruction (base, curb gutter, sidewalk)
- c) Rehabilitation of The Queensway bridge at Parkside Drive (outer lanes)
- 1 east / west travel lane in each direction will be maintained at all times
Stage 2:
- July 2021 to April 2022
- The Queensway Median: Parkside Drive to Sunnyside Avenue Southwest corner of KQQR Intersection
- King Street West: KQQR Intersection to approximately 100 m south thereof
- a) Watermain replacement and sewer lining (King)
- b) TTC pole replacement, track work, (lighting, platforms, curbs), road reconstruction (base, curb gutter, sidewalk)
- c) Streetscape work at Beaty Boulevard Park (southwest corner of the KQQR Intersection)
- d) Remove and install new overhead TTC wires
- e) Rehabilitation of The Queensway bridge at Parkside Drive (inner lanes)
- 1 east / west travel lane in each direction will be maintained at all times
Stage 3:
- April 2022 to August 2022
- Roncesvalles Avenue: Queen Street West to Dundas Street West
- a) Watermain replacement and sewer lining
- b) Queen Street West to Harvard Avenue: TTC pole replacement, overhead wire removals and installation, track work, (Lighting, platforms, curbs etc.), road reconstruction (base, curb gutter, sidewalk)
- c) Harvard Avenue to Dundas Street West: Platform upgrades for accessibility
- Roncesvalles Avenue will be fully closed to all traffic.
Advance Work: September 2020 to February 2021
Stage 1: February 2021 to July 2021
Stage 2: July 2021 to April 2022
Stage 3: April 2022 to August 2022 / Harvard Avenue to Dundas Street West: AODA upgrades to existing TTC platforms
If you have questions about the upcoming work, please contact us.
Public Consultation Unit
Michael Vieira, 416-392-3074, kqqr@toronto.ca
TTC Senior Community Liaison
Diego Sinagoga, 416-393-2197, diego.sinagoga@ttc.ca
City Councillor for Ward 4 Gord Perks 416-392-7919, councillor_perks@toronto.ca
TTY Hearing Impaired Service
416-338-0889 (7 Days a week, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed holidays)
General inquiries: 311
Website: Please visit project website for detailed information regarding these works (including design renderings), and / or choose to sign-up for email updates: toronto.ca/kqqr
Thank you for your patience. Building a great city takes time. Better infrastructure for all of us is worth the wait.