Wednesday, Sept 16, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Parkdale People & Pollinators Peace Garden, in Honour of Parkdale’s Black Communities
Dear Parkdale Neighbours:
Interested in free native plants for your balcony or yard?
The Parkdale People & Pollinators Peace Garden, in Honour of Parkdale’s Black Communities, is sharing free plants,
in partnership with Project Swallowtail and the Parkdale Village BIA.
WHERE: corner of Queen Street West & O’Hara
WHEN: Wednesday, September 16, 4pm to 6pm - Rain or shine! First come, first served!
WHAT: Two native flowers / plants per balcony or yard
BONUS: A container + soil supplied for balcony growers. Please bring a wagon / friend to help you carry if needed.
Just supply plant love & water! Thank you for helping to honour Parkdale’s Black communities.
Please wear a mask and practice social distancing during plant pick-up.
(For more info on the Parkdale People and Pollinators Peace Garden, in Honour of Parkdale’s Black Communities, click here.
rejuvenation/ For more info on Project Swallowtail, click here.