There are so many incredible little curiosities to discover in this neighbourhood. Last night at the BIA Board Meeting our Chair John Doherty and our Vice-Chair John Colautti told me that phone numbers used to start with letters! Who knew? Maybe this was a precursor to texting. They also told me that there is a salon in Parkdale that has been operating for so long that it still has the old fashioned letter-number on its sign!
Today I decided to go hunting for this Parkdale relic and and I found it! You can find the wonderful, historic Star Hair Stylists on the south side of Queen at Lansdowne. "LE. 6 - 0820." I guess this is what phone numbers used to look like. Who knew?
The very 1950s cream and sea-foam green molding above the sign is also utterly dreamy to me. So lucky to live and work in Parkdale!