Spring Into Parkdale This Weekend - Dogs, Neighbours, Smoothies & Art!

April 22, 2014
Can you believe we are less than a week away from our 2nd Annual Spring into Parkdale Sidewalk Sale & Festival on Saturday April 26th 10am-6pm! 
Even a little rain won't stop the many shops and organizations participating this year, and with the help of residents and visitors the show will go on! Follow up on Twitter at #SpringIntoParkdale all weekend as we announce even more surprises and help you re-explore, re-discover and support local shopping & free attractions along Queen St W from Dufferin to Roncesvalles!
Puppy Love: Swing by Not My Dog for some awesome photography and handmade clothing at 1510 Queen St W. Smooth: Enjoy 23 degree coffee, Vega smoothies and much more at JR's Natural Health & Bulk @ 1382 Queen St W @ Cowan Ave.  

Stars: Join Bell Media CTV Toronto for a TV series called Local Calls & step into their video phone booth @ Cowan Ave!

Freeze: Become a part of a new artistic project at Skeir Gallery. Pose for a photo & share your silhouette for this community project @ 1537 Queen St W @ Callender

West: Visit Queen & Dufferin for face painting, product demos and gift bags @ West End Food Coop!

Neighbours: Join the Parkdale Residents Association at Elm Grove, meet your neighbours, become a member and get involved in your community! Spring into Parkdale Attractions 6 - 2014
Click below for more info on activities & entertainment:
Cupcakes, Balloons, Bikes & Surprises Birthday, Sliders, Drums, Chalk & Alumni! Cheese, Exploration, Sistema, Horses & Rock! Pride, Treasure, Superman & Eagles! Art Market, Spa Deals, Portraits & Tours!